1.) Friends of Jerusalem/Al-Quds in Norway is dedicated to the Palestinian cause. It is an independent body registered with the authorities in Norway. It’s main task is to inform about the legal situation of Jerusalem/Al-Quds, and to work to end the occupation of that city, but also to work in general for solidarity with the Palestinian people.
2.) Friends of Jerusalem/Al-Quds stress the importance to differentiate Judaism as a religion, and Zionism mythology as a rasistic, cultural and political movement.
3.) Friends of Jerusalem/Al-Quds works with religious and non-religious organizations; secular people, Muslims, Christians and Jews.
4.) Friends of Jerusalem/Al-Quds outlines the importance of numerous United Nations resolutions regarding the status of the city of Jerusalem/ Al-Quds.
5.) Friends of Jerusalem/Al-Quds especially stress the importance of the UN resolutions regarding "Right of return" (ROR), and believe that a solution regarding this matter is both the heart and the root of the problem."
6.) Friends of Jerusalem/Al-Quds set focus on the teaching of zionist ideology of today.
7.) While the Norwegian solidarity moment in general have their focus on boicott matters, and several peace street marches (both important), we believe that the Palestine solidarity movement has largely failed to make Zionist ideology the centerpiece of its critique of Israel despite the fact that Zionism is at the root of Israel’s criminality.
8.) Friends of Jerusalem/Al-Quds suggests that the solidarity movement needs to introduce a new lexicon that frames the struggle in terms of decolonization, “regime change” and the imperative of a one-state solution.
9.) Friends of Jerusalem/Al-Quds stress that the two state solution is not a solution. The only sustainable and justifiable solution, is a "one state" in which Jews and Palestinians can live together, democratic for all.